Thursday, November 15, 2012

The tangled web we weave

Here's why going to a small school is sometimes the worst:

Yesterday I sat down in the quad to make some important phone calls I've been putting off when my eccentric classmate came over and started ranting to me and this random basketball girl I had just met about his friend's girlfriend, who I know because she used to live right across the hall from me in the dorms and right next door to my current housemate, whose best friend used to date this guy I was kind of seeing earlier this semester, who I inadvertently sat practically right next to in the library yesterday afternoon as he studied with a group of people including the random basketball girl I had met earlier that morning. Also included in this study group was a guy who lived in my dorm freshman year, who had a girlfriend from home at the time but is now dating this dimepiece that one of my homies was crushing on sophomore year, a homie whose housemate and best friend is in the same teeny weeny academic department as me and the eccentric classmate who ranted to me in the quad yesterday about his friend's girlfriend.

And thus I reluctantly admit that we are all, including myself, essential ingredients blended into an eclectic social smoothie.