Wednesday, May 4, 2016

On Beyonce, and having opinions in general.

I can't figure out how to do the accent above the "e" in Beyonce, but I'm going to assume everyone knows who I'm talking about. 

I'm sick of hearing about her. I'm sick of her like I'm sick of Gigi Hadid and Kylie Jenner's lips. Beyonce is a beautiful and talented woman. I enjoy working out to her music at the gym. A still shot from one of her music videos has been my Twitter background for like, 3 years. But she is not an idol to me. When she tells me, a fellow bitch, to bow down, I do not feel obligated to do it. I am not empowered by the propaganda. I am not empowered by her third-grade reading level lyrics. I am not empowered by her talk-singing about giving Jay Z a blowie in the back a limo. I am not empowered by her mugging a smartphone camera while pouring a college-tuition's worth of liquor into a hot tub. I am not empowered by her Met Gala dress that looked like she Silence-of-the-Lambsed a dress out of Becky's horribly diseased skin.

I do not find Beyonce empowering. But that is an opinion that I have. Saying that I am not empowered by Beyonce is not the same thing as saying that Beyonce is not empowering. If there's one thing that really has my buttcheeks clenching lately, it's people who state their opinions as facts. We need a LOT less of that and a F**KTON less of that on social media. If you find yourself empowered by Beyonce, then she is empowering. My opinion matters not, and I am not the audience she seeks to empower anyway. I'm just a Becky.