Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Two college dudes find themselves in a pickle when one of them steals a bust of Ayn Rand

OPEN SCENE. Ryan, a college sophomore, darts nervously around the courtyard. He sits down on a bench with his head in his hands for a moment and fishes his iPhone out of his pocket. Dials Brody. 

BRO: Sup.

RY: Dude I need your help.

BRO: I didn’t do the bio homework either.

RY: Dude fuck bio I did something bad.

BRO: ...Okay?

RY: I stole Ayn Rand.

BRO: Um...what?

RY: You know the bust of that ogre-looking broad on the second-floor reading nook in the library?

BRO: Yes...

RY: I took it.

BRO: Are you out of your goddamn mind?

RY: I think so dude I don’t even know.

BRO: How did that even...dude why?

RY: I...I don’t know.

BROL Isn’t that thing like bolted to the ground?

RY: I thought so but I touched it and it moved so I just...picked it up.

BRO: Wait, so you were fondling Ayn Rand in the library and decided to just...

RY: I wasn’t fondling her I was—

BRO: Ayn Rand isn’t even hot dude.

RY: I know but—

BRO: Atlas Shrugged wasn’t even good.

RY: I didn’t even read—

BRO: It was weird.

RY: Dammit dude focus. I don’t know what to do with it now.

BRO: Where is she now?

RY: In my bag.

BRO: Dude that thing is huge, you just stashed it in your knapsack?

RY: It’s not a knapsack it’s a messenger bag and yes.

BRO: Does it even fit?

RY: The top of her head is sticking out.

BRO: You’re fucking stupid dude.

RY: You’re fucking stupid dude, help me get rid of it.

BRO: Just go put it back.

RY: I can’t just put it back, now they know it’s gone and they’ll be watching.

BRO: So you’re just gonna keep Ayn Rand in your dorm?

RY: No help me bury it.

BRO: I’m not helping you bury Ayn Rand dude.

*Later that night, while burying Ayn Rand behind the gym. 

BRO: I feel like stealing Ayn Rand is something the actual Ayn Rand would totally not be in favor of.

RY: Shut the fuck up man.

BRO: I’m just saying, it’s kind of ironic.

*Ryan and Brody pat down the last of the dirt and admire their patchy job

BRO: …I wonder how she would feel about being buried twice.

RY: Ayn Rand’s not dead dude.

BRO: She’s super dead dude.

RY: No man she’s like my grandpa’s age.

*Pull out cell phones and do a quick Google

RY: 1982. Super dead. My bad.

*Ryan and Brody head back toward their dorm, glancing nervously behind them.

RY: This is so fucked up dude.

BRO: Everyone’s gotta maintain their weird homeostasis dude. Some people keep wolverines tied to a post in their backyard.

RY: Some dudes collect woodland faeries.  Not fairies, faeries. Like with an “ae.”

BRO: And you’re a klepto with an Ayn Rand fetish.

RY: You’re dead to me.  
BRO: I think there’s a kappa that kind of looks like Ayn Rand, I’ll hook you up.

RY: All the kappas look like Ayn Rand dude.

BRO: Maybe we should bury them too.