Thursday, March 1, 2012

The Naked Frescos bring SexyBack to Cappadocia

Merhablar Nubs and Nublettes,

I can't believe I've been in Turkey for a month already! I am literally barfing up incredulity.

I'm actually not barfing but I might be soon because my guts are feeling a bit queasy at the moment. I guess that's how your body punishes you for having peanut butter and sutlu kahve for every meal.

I'm just Brainstormin' Norman a way to express in human language the awesomeness that unfolded this weekend in Cappadocia on the International Student Society trip, but I'm having a helluva writer's block so I'm going to take a break and probably nap more. 

Okay so its been three days since I started this post, and I'm still not exactly sure how one goes about putting an entire weekend full of end-to-end adventures into a coherent blog post. Many men and women stronger than I have tried and failed. So I decided I'm not going to. I'm going to cop out big fat weener time and post a link to Emily Masseo's blog because she already wrote about everything that happened, and whatever happened to her happened to me because she followed me around like ants on a Poptart all weekend. No need to be redundant, right?

Let's briefly review the highlight reel just in case you can't figure out how to paste that link into your Internet Explorer browser on your archaic Windows XP desktop (yes Mam I'm talking to you):

  • Approximately 30 total hours on a bus
  • A ridonkulously nice hotel/spa in the middle of effing nowhere
  • Way too many buffet-style meals
  • Naked Frescoes
  • Lots of rocks with holes in them
  • Fascinating and rich history that I couldn't tell you the first thing about. Wikipedia that shit if you really want to know
  • A snowball war of epic proportions
  • "You will have 15, 20 minutes to take pictures"--Efe the tour guide 
  • Lots of pictures of the same thing, namely rocks with holes in them
  • Super dope pottery. Raging Bull (my Native American name) managed not to break a single breakable thing
  • Asian style squatting toilets. I squatted and it was great
  • Sliding face-first down the face of a cliff. Face on face. Currently printing a t-shirt at Copyland that says "I fell off a cliff and all I got was this lousy t-shirt"
  • The Underground City, which is literally an underground city. Apparently built by dwarfs

There's so much more I would say if only I were able...But pictures are worth a thousand words so why not slap somma those down on this bad boy?

(BTDubs pictures are not worth a thousand words when writing essays. Prompt says "explain the events that led to the collapse of the Ottoman empire." Upload expertly photoshopped picture of Topkapi palace getting smashed by Godzilla. Receive F-)












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