Thursday, August 31, 2017

Ultimate Game of Thrones F*ck, Marry, Kill

Guys, I'm sad.

Game of Thrones is over until the final season airs in 2019, and I am v depressed about it. As a way to deal with the withdrawals, I've created the ULTIMATE Game of Thrones F*ck, Marry, Kill. You know the rules. You win, or you die. 

*BEFORE YOU CONTINUE: This may be mildly spoily for those who have not caught all the way up.  

Let's start with the mens. 

1. FMK: Bastards


Ramsay Bolton

Jon Snow (?!)

2. FMK: Eunuchs

Grey Worm

Theon Greyjoy

Lord Varys

3. FMK: Dead Starks

Ned Stark

Robb Stark

Benjen Stark

4. FMK: Sociopaths

Joffrey Baratheon

Ramsay Bolton

Petyr Baelish

5. FMK: Dany's Lovers

Khal Drogo

Daario Naharis

Jon Snow

6. FMK: Lannisters

Jaime Lannister

Tyrion Lannister

Lancel Lannister

7. FMK: Sidekicks

Bronn of Blackwater

Samwell Tarly

Podrick Payne

Now for the ladies....


Cersei Lannister

Sansa Stark

Daenerys Targaryen

2. FMK+ Duel! : Badass Warrior Chicks

Brienne of Tarth

Arya Stark

Meera Reed

Yara Greyjoy

3. Redheads



Sansa Stark

4. Fashion Icons

Daenerys Targaryen

Margaery Tyrell


5. Wildlings




6. Whores




7. The Sand Snakes

JK nobody cares. 

8. Annoying Minor Characters No One Was Sad to See Go


The Waif

Selyse Baratheon

I hope you and your friends had fun! 

And now our watch begins....

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Two college dudes find themselves in a pickle when one of them steals a bust of Ayn Rand

OPEN SCENE. Ryan, a college sophomore, darts nervously around the courtyard. He sits down on a bench with his head in his hands for a moment and fishes his iPhone out of his pocket. Dials Brody. 

BRO: Sup.

RY: Dude I need your help.

BRO: I didn’t do the bio homework either.

RY: Dude fuck bio I did something bad.

BRO: ...Okay?

RY: I stole Ayn Rand.

BRO: Um...what?

RY: You know the bust of that ogre-looking broad on the second-floor reading nook in the library?

BRO: Yes...

RY: I took it.

BRO: Are you out of your goddamn mind?

RY: I think so dude I don’t even know.

BRO: How did that even...dude why?

RY: I...I don’t know.

BROL Isn’t that thing like bolted to the ground?

RY: I thought so but I touched it and it moved so I just...picked it up.

BRO: Wait, so you were fondling Ayn Rand in the library and decided to just...

RY: I wasn’t fondling her I was—

BRO: Ayn Rand isn’t even hot dude.

RY: I know but—

BRO: Atlas Shrugged wasn’t even good.

RY: I didn’t even read—

BRO: It was weird.

RY: Dammit dude focus. I don’t know what to do with it now.

BRO: Where is she now?

RY: In my bag.

BRO: Dude that thing is huge, you just stashed it in your knapsack?

RY: It’s not a knapsack it’s a messenger bag and yes.

BRO: Does it even fit?

RY: The top of her head is sticking out.

BRO: You’re fucking stupid dude.

RY: You’re fucking stupid dude, help me get rid of it.

BRO: Just go put it back.

RY: I can’t just put it back, now they know it’s gone and they’ll be watching.

BRO: So you’re just gonna keep Ayn Rand in your dorm?

RY: No help me bury it.

BRO: I’m not helping you bury Ayn Rand dude.

*Later that night, while burying Ayn Rand behind the gym. 

BRO: I feel like stealing Ayn Rand is something the actual Ayn Rand would totally not be in favor of.

RY: Shut the fuck up man.

BRO: I’m just saying, it’s kind of ironic.

*Ryan and Brody pat down the last of the dirt and admire their patchy job

BRO: …I wonder how she would feel about being buried twice.

RY: Ayn Rand’s not dead dude.

BRO: She’s super dead dude.

RY: No man she’s like my grandpa’s age.

*Pull out cell phones and do a quick Google

RY: 1982. Super dead. My bad.

*Ryan and Brody head back toward their dorm, glancing nervously behind them.

RY: This is so fucked up dude.

BRO: Everyone’s gotta maintain their weird homeostasis dude. Some people keep wolverines tied to a post in their backyard.

RY: Some dudes collect woodland faeries.  Not fairies, faeries. Like with an “ae.”

BRO: And you’re a klepto with an Ayn Rand fetish.

RY: You’re dead to me.  
BRO: I think there’s a kappa that kind of looks like Ayn Rand, I’ll hook you up.

RY: All the kappas look like Ayn Rand dude.

BRO: Maybe we should bury them too.